tirsdag 4. november 2008

TK-7060 is approved

I have been approved. Took me a month of hard work, but it payed off. I really thought it would take longer though. Still, here I am. Proud member of The 501st Legion, Vaders Fist.

It didn't stick on the first try though. I had to change the lenses in the helmet, since my eyes showed through them. So I put another layer of the lens material in, and it did the trick. Now I just wait for the replacement lenses, so it can be impossible to see my eyes.

Still: The Stormtrooper TK-7060, a stormtrooper of legend, has been born.

torsdag 30. oktober 2008

A stormtrooper has been born

Hopefully without too many flaws.
I finished my armour tonight, after a months hard work.
I felt really great in it and did not want to take it off. I just walked around for a bit.
I tried to go outside, but was a little embarrassed when cars came down the road.
YAY! Finished for Halloween! The kids in our street will get the shock of their lives when I open up the door in this!


onsdag 22. oktober 2008

I'm getting all dressed up.

I'm starting to get close now. Very exciting.
I've been working on the armour to make it stick to myself, and so far it's been going great.
I've strapped up the chest and back plate, the ab and kidney plate. I've made a belt that holds up the thigh pieces. I've also fastened the shoulder bells to the chest plate, and the biceps to the shoulder bells. I've put some padding in the forearms to make it sit.

Here I am all dressed up. Still lots to do, but I can wear my armour now. Huzzah!


søndag 19. oktober 2008

What seemed to be a nightmare...

... is now done.
The thigh boxes and the knee plate are fastened.
After a whole lot of failed attempts on thursday, I was about to give in and give up.
Thanks to TD-6237, who gave me a some very good pointers, I managed to finish them today.
I used 1/8 rivets to fasten them on the sides and a small piece of velcro to keep the plates in place in front.
What do you think? Why, thank you for those compliments.

tirsdag 14. oktober 2008

Mommy, a stormtrooper died on my floor.

Been a few days since I blogged my progress. That's because it has been great progress.
I found my courage. It was hidden with my thermal detonator. I glued this together, and that made me dare continue. So my progress is as follows:
Sleeves: Glued, missing something inside to make it stay.
Biceps: Glued, need to connect them to the shoulders.
Shoulders: Done, need to connect them to the chest/back pieces.
Hands: Done, need to fasten some rubber bands that goes round my finger.
Shins: Glued, velcroed. Need to rivet the knee plate to the left knee.
Thighs: Glued. Need to rivet the ammo plate to the right thigh, and fasten them to a belt.
Blaster: Pieces glued, blaster primed, need to sand, fill and paint.

I'm getting there. Slowly but surely.

søndag 12. oktober 2008

The Thermal Detonator

I also started on the O2 cannister today. This is a little can that sits on the back of the belt.
This is the first part of the armour I'm gluing and it's quite scary. What if this goes wrong. I have no other cannister. Here are the parts:

Now I glue the two large half-circles together to bake a tube. This is the scaru part. Never touched the glue before. I'm using a special ABS cement, that is supposed to be real strong. Hope it is.

Now to prime it. More updates to follow.

E-11 Stormtrooper blaster

Ok, I've been sitting for a whole week looking at the pieces. I haven't dared to anything.
Yesterday, I decided to go for the E-11 stormtrooper blaster. Why? It seemed easy enough. Some parts that would be glued to specific areas of the Hasbro blaster.

And it was easy. The parts fin in very nicely as you can see below.

I then primed it with grey spray paint primer. Now it really comes out cool.

I now need to fill in some gaps and paint it black.

onsdag 8. oktober 2008

My TK-armour came in the mail this weekend. After looking at it for a while, I decided to get my tape and try it on. This is how I looked. YAY!

Well, it still needs some work, but I think it will come out nicely. Now I need to find out just how I'm doing this...

onsdag 24. september 2008

AAAHH! I'm Crazy!

I just bought my armour! It's crazy.
It's being sent on saturday and I get to start working on it soon! I just can't wait.
I bought an FX-type armour and a AP-type bucket to go more movie accurate.
Now I wait...

If you want to know, here are the armour I bought:

Troopers Log, Day 1

This is where it all starts.
As I wrote in the headline of this blog, I want to join the 501st Legion, Vader's Fist. This is a charity organization who dresses up as villains from the Star Wars universe.
In this blog I will log my progress as I slowly turn into a Stormtrooper.
I started out today, visiting all the toy stores and sports stores around where I live to get two things: A Stormtrooper blaster and a black, glossy stretch undersuit. Did I get any of these? NO! Not until I checked out e-bay, where I came accross the blaster. Happy day! Bought and in the mail.
My journey has begun.